Thursday, September 6, 2018


I am currently a student at Grand Canyon University in Arizona, finishing my Master’s in Education. After high school, I went to Northern Arizona University to become a teacher, but my path curved in a completely different direction. I graduated with an English degree in 2004 and then worked my way up in Starbucks Coffee Company trying out a management position. Now fourteen years later, I am finally back on the path of becoming a teacher!

This year, I am most excited about the creative writing. It is one of my hobbies and it is what made me decide to be an English teacher. There are many ways to say the same thing and I enjoy trying to find the way that has never been said. Writing comes from a place of interest or emotion and I would love to help every student find that place. I look forward to creating assignments that teach all the practical aspects of grammar in the context of fun, meaningful writing that engages students.

I became a teacher to be a safe, encouraging person in students’ lives, while preparing them for adulthood through academic learning. I have determined the legacy I want to leave behind as a teacher. I will be the one who sees students as individuals, who teaches them about life and about English, who provides support even when no one else will, who encourages them to love themselves, who believes in their futures.